Friday 7 March 2014

Does it mean that the Word of Muslim, Jew and Christian God is not True.....?

The question asked by Jagannath Reddy Jannareddy is as follows: “Why is Adam being represented as the first Human created 15000 years back ...when we had advanced Civilizations existing in India 35000 years back itself. And also the Scientific fact exists that Humans began developing Millions of years back.
So..does it mean that the " Word " of their (Muslim, Jew and Christian) God is not True.....?”

Friend (till now) Jagannath Reddy Jannareddy and the other two friends viz. Rahul Shastri and Saby Ganguly have made this an issue of winning and losing. For me, I do not wish to involve myself in any discussion which is based on the idea of one winning or one losing. But since the three of them are unitedly adamant in pursuing the issue, as is evident from their posts, the answer has to be given. And through proving that Adam and Eve story is not true, they wish to conclude that the Word (Quran and Old Testament) of the God is not true.

Though Quran has not given any time period since Adam till Mohammad, the Old Testament has given the genealogies in detail since Adam and from the study of these genealogies, it is possible to calculate that the time elapsed since Adam till now is anywhere between 15000-20000 years. Since I consider Quran, Old Testament, Vedas, Gita and Upanishads – all – as the Word of One God, for me there is no reason why I should consider something that is given in these Scriptures as untrue or concocted. But my friends want to prove that the nearly 4 billion population that considers either Old Testament or Quran as Divine Scripture is worshiping false prophets who concocted and made up stories like those of Adam and Eve. In truth, they wish to say that since Adam and Eve story is not mentioned in Vedas or Upanishads, it is wrong. They are the same people who consider Krishna lifting up mountain on one hand or prolonging the duration of the day during the battle of Mahabarhata as true but seek scientific evidence when Ali lifts the door of Khyber (that required 40 men to open or close it) or Mohammad prolongs the day and the setting sun comes back. They mock at the 10 wives of Mohammad but try to give a counter argument that Krishna had to keep 11000 views because they themselves came to him seeking safety. They conveniently forget that the same place where 11000 wives are mentioned, there is description of more than 1 lakh sons. For me, Krishna too is venerable and respectable and I am proving that the portions of the Noor created by Manifest Self (Vishnu) kept descending on earth during different times and Rama, Krishna, Jesus, Mohammad and Ali were all names given to material bodies which housed the Noor of God. That is why they were able to perform various kinds of miracles.

Now the answer:

Traditions recount that somebody asked Ali what was there prior to Adam. Ali said ‘Adam’. He asked: “And prior to that Adam?” Ali said, “Adam”. The man kept asking and Ali kept saying ‘Adam’. This question was asked 70 times and then the questioner stopped asking. It is evident that as per Ali, one creation which begins with Adam is superseded by another creation and so on. Thus, Adam is merely a symbolic name whose descendants were called ‘Aadmi’ or ‘Man’ and since the first of this creation is called Adam, Ali referred to all the first of previous creations too as Adam.

From this, it also becomes evident that Ali knew that Quran is describing about the last Adam and his creation but there have been several more new creations like Adam prior to our own Adam. There is reference to this in Quran as well.

Quran says that the Lord addressed the angels: “I want to create vicegerent on earth.” Through this address it is clear that man’s mission on earth is to be God’s vicegerent viz. to become one who fulfils the creative and other works do that the God does. But the Angels knew that previous creations on earth had indulged in bloodshed and hence asked: “Do you want to create a revengeful and vindictive creature that will commit crime and bloodshed on earth again?” But God responds, “I know something you know not.”

It is evident from Quran as well as Ali’s quote that our own Adam (in whose progeny we are) may be 15000 years before, but there have been Adam before Adam and several such Adams.  

Now see, quoting from the Sanatan scriptures, the book Religious Consciousness writes: “Great time-period known as ‘kalpa’ which is the whole day of Brahma, is divided into fourteen parts, each one of them being presided over by one specific Manu, i.e., ‘Manvantara’. The present time falls within the reign of Manu Vaivasvata and is therefore in all declaratory formulae mentioned as such by the worshipper. The age (yuga) is Kali. Fourteen ‘manvantaras’ occurring during one day of Brahma which is 1000 times the period of the four Yugas together (Manu, I, 72-3, BhG, VIII,17) Brahma’s day is called a ‘kalpa’, at the end of which occurs what is known as ‘Mahapralaya’ or even simply as ‘pralaya’ or flood. Though the full traditional quota of Manus for a whole ‘kalpa’ is fourteen (S. Chitrav’s Pracinocaritrakosa, pg. 428), it appears that in the earlier literature there is no mention of more than seven of them.”

It is further written: “Tradition gives a set of seven great sages to everyone of the ‘manvantaras’ (Chitra V, loc. Cit., pp. 429-31). They have a function to discharge in the creative process and in the governance of the cosmos.” It is said that present Kalpa is called ‘Svetavaraha’ and is so announced in every declaring formula. 

Chapter III of The Vishnu Purana says that the four Yugas will comprise of 12000 years; Krita Age has 4000 years; the Treta 3000; the Dwapara 2000; and the Kali Age 1000.
1000 of these 12000 years constitute a day of Brahma and 14 Manus reign within that term (1000x12000).”

Chapter IX-34 of Matsya Purana states:
I have explained to you something about the past and future Manus, O King! Similarly commencing from the age of Devas, in the 994th age, the afore-mentioned fourteen Manus rule in succession. In their time, they play their part in the creation of the moveable and immoveable objects, and afterwards attain final rest with Brahma, at the end of the age. They (the Manus), after 1000 ages, shall be absorbed in Brahma and be joined to Vishnu.

Book IV Chapter I of The Vishnu Purana states:
Parasara says, “It is said: ‘The lineage of him shall never be extinct who daily calls to mind the race of Manu, originating with Brahma.’” Listen therefore, Maitreya, to the entire series of the princes of this family, by which all sin shall be effaced.”

To summarize what is mentioned above. The period of 4 yugas together is 12000 years. There are 1000 such periods of 12000 years in one Divine Day or Kalpa. We are presently living in the 994th of the 1000 periods of 12000 years which comprise a Divine Day or Kalpa. The 14 Manus rule in succession during which ‘they have a function to discharge in the creative process and in the governance of the cosmos’. And at the end of 1000 periods of 4 yuga, a ‘Mahapralaya’ or simply ‘Pralay’ or ‘Qayamat’ or Doomsday occurs consequent to which the expanding universe converges towards the source. Therefore, the Manus, after 1000 ages, get absorbed in Brahma and the Brahma gets joined to the Vishnu (Manifest Self) and this is the time when the Quran says that nothing will remain but the Face of Allah (Manifest Self of God).

Thus, it is clear from the tradition related to Ali, the conversation between the Lord and Angels given in Quran and the description of the creative process given in the Vedas and Puranas that there is Adam, prior to which there is another Adam, and more Adams, and the process goes on till there are 994 times that God has created Adam and this will happen 6 more times before the Mahapralaya or Doomsday.

It can also be inferred from the aforementioned descriptions that Adam after Adam (994 times) have been created in this same world and after 6 more creations, the entire cosmos will converge back from where it had emerged.

Thus, if the scientists are finding fossils and submerged cities underwater, it is exactly in agreement with the teachings of Divine Scriptures that are sacred to Hindus, Jews, Christians and Muslims. The same scientists who have found proofs of existence of humans 50000 and 100000 years back also claim that the man of that period was different in so and so manner from the man of today, so much so that Darwin had to coin his theory of evolution. Quran says that God has created man in the best of moulds and he has remained so in each creation. Due to the certain small differences between Adam after Adam, even the scientists are confused. And it is this reason that Jagannath Reddy Jannareddy wrote: “Humans evolved 5 million years ago and that process led to the emergence of Homo habilis, the first creature generally regarded as human, 2.3 million years ago."

Dear Saby Ganguly, Jagannath Reddy Jannareddy and Rahul Shastri, either you believe my logical conclusions to be true or answer this:

1)     We all believe that Vedas are the first of the revealed books. It is historical fact that the Vedic hymns were revealed on the various sages about 5000 years back. Thereafter, they passed on through remembrance from one generation to another until writing evolved and they were penned down about 1500-2000 years back. If we take your view to be correct that would mean that humans evolved 5000000 years ago and the God revealed the first scripture 4995000 years back i.e. about 5000 years back? If the Divine Guidance arrived so late, whose fault it is?

2)     You have been witness to the kind of scientific developments that we have seen during our own lifetime. Our fore-fathers must have been really dumb-heads that they were considered fit to be given a Divine book only after 4995000 years after creation of their forefathers and then too they remained primarily nomads till 1500 years back and all developments took place during the last 1500 of 5000000 years of our existence? Saying this would be casting doubts on the mental capabilities of our forefathers.

3)     Vedas and Puranas are talking about 994 creations during this Kalpa or Divine Day and the 14 Manus rule one after another in each Manvantara. You were very quick to say that Adam’s story is concocted by the self-proclaimed Prophets and said to me that I should not give my answer from Quran. I ask you the same question now. Don’t cite from Vedas or any other scripture dear to the Hindus and give me proofs that there have been 994 creations till now, that the 14 Manus rule one after another and the 14 Manus do exist at all? [You know very well that I fully believe in truthfulness of the Vedas but I am asking this question to reveal to you that 100 such questions can be asked from you, to which you have no answer, if the person’s sole aim is to gain an upper hand through winning.] 

4)   The literal meaning of 'Manvantara' is when the manav (man) descended on earth. Is it not proof that the Hindu scriptures too are confirming that man is created and sent again and again as Manav and his progeny is given a chance to stay on earth and give the test. This has happened 994 times till now. I wanted to give a similar quote from Buddhist sources how this cycle is repeated time and again and the Devas (who are 14 and who are the 14 Manus or 14 Ahlulbayt) are responsible for carrying forth this exercise.  But I am not giving the quote as I am already blamed for moving from book to book.