Sunday 28 December 2014

A Hindu friend through message asked a question

A Hindu friend through message asked a question. He said:

"As per what I hv read in Quran it says the God of Quran does not forgive idolatry, but He forgives lesser offenses for whomever He wills. Anyone who sets up idols beside GOD, has forged a horrendous offense."

Here is my answer: "I must tell you a secret that Muslims have not understood till now. Upanishads say that when the Absolute God... created a manifest self, he (the manifest self) started worshipping God. He worshipped God with the greatest intensity and when it wanted to have more worshippers it desired there be more worshippers. And God allowed the Manifest Self to create more worshippers. This is Brhad Aranyaka Upanishad. First, a light or Noor was created which further divided into creation of several lights or Noor, which were made the lords of the 14 spheres of the world. These were the 14 Manus or Devatas. Man was created thereafter. Manus (referred to as Ahlulbayt or Aaleen or Noor in Quran) became the progenitors of mankind. For some reasons, God wanted man to give a test and hence another power got created which was the negative power, you call it Iblis or Satan or Shaytan or Mara or Tamas. It were the Devatas or Manus who are the guides; it is they whose job it is to lead mankind. They have been called in the Upanishads as rope, through whom alone it is possible to attain salvation. But satan knew he would be successful only when he would digress mankind from this rope. If mankind doesn't identify the rope, it will never attain salvation. Thereafter, it went on digressing mankind from this path. Thus the idols got created. At times people started worshipping these devatas alone as gods. Look at the irony, while these Devatas were supposed to lead mankind towards the One Absolute God, people started worshipping them. That is the reason why such strict rules were devised later when Manifest Self sent a book for the later day generation, which was named Quran."

A little earlier, the friend had asked: "For a minute I believe those muslims who say only muslims will go to paradise are wrong... But whenever I read Quran online, I find that the God of Quran talks against idols, idolatries instead of people who commit crimes like murder, stealing.. The words idol, idolatries are actually used in Quran. Why is it?"

And Mohammad Alvi replied: "Dear friend, you must understand that I am talking of Hindu scriptures as divine; that does not mean that all things that Hindus are doing is correct. I am sure you must be knowing more than me the extent to which Hindus have deviated from the path of the Vedas. Your real attempt shall be to understand and follow the scriptures like Vedas and Gita. Don't go by what Ramayana or Mahabharata or Purana are saying because it is these books, written by normal people like us, which have confused the people. Till sometime back, Hindus had three sects, Saiva, Vaishnava and Sakti worshippers. Are these three sects sanctioned by Vedas? No! Is Sai Baba sanctioned by Vedas? No! Is worship of Rama and Krishna sanctioned by Vedas? No! Then how can Vedas sanction worship of idol images of these people? There is no concept of idol worship in Vedas. People deviated from Vedic teachings to start worshipping idols. In fact, wherever Devatas were introduced across the world, people of yore started worshipping them. Because those were the times when it was difficult for people to understand non-visible powers. But today in ages of mobile and satellite phones, ultraviolet rays and traveling of light, it is possible for us to get an idea of the invisible power. Quran came from the same source from which Vedas had come, but several thousand years later. Since people of yore had started worshipping the divinities of Vedas, Quran went out outright in criticizing the idol worship. This is the difference.

पैगम्बर मौहम्मद के समय से 200 साल तक मुसलमान साईंस और टैक्नालोजी में दुनिया पर राज क्यों कर सके

610 ई में जिस समय पैगम्बर मौहम्मद ने अरब के रेगिस्तान में अपने को ईश्वर का दूत होने का एलान किया उस समय के अरब में दुनिया की हर बुराई मौजूद थी। वे अशिक्षित थे, कबीलों में बटे हुए थे जो जरा जरा सी बात पर कई कई पीढि़यों तक लड़ते रहते थे, बेटियों को जीवित जमीन में दफना देने की प्रथा थी, किसी को दास बना ले...ना आम बात थी और घरों में रहने के स्थान पर अधिकतर अरब बंजारों के समान जिन्दगी गुजारते थे।

यह वह समय था जब समूचा विश्व अंधेरे में घिरा था। चीन और मिस्र की सभ्यताएं समाप्त हो चुकी थीं। भारत भी अपने गौरवपूर्ण इतिहास को पीछे छोड़ चुका था जब उसने विश्व को ज्ञान दिया था। भारत की ओर देखते तो कुछ भी उल्लेखनीय नहीं था। पर्शिया और रोमन हुकूमतें केवल इलाकों पर कब्जा करने और एक दूसरे को पछाड़ने में लगी थीं। अरब तो इन सब से कटा हुआ रेगिस्तान से भी परे बसा इलाका था।

ऐसा क्या हुआ कि अगले दो सौ वर्षों में विश्व ने देखा कि साईंस और तक्नालोजी में सब से आगे मुसलमान दिखाई दिए। फादर आफ कैमिस्टरी मुसलमान, गणित और फिजिक्स में सब से आगे मुसलमान, हिस्टरी के ज्ञानी मुसलमान, चिकित्सा और सर्जरी के क्षेत्र में सब से उल्लेखनीय काम करने वाले मुसलमान और समूचे विश्व में बिखरे ज्ञान को एकत्रित करने और आगे बढ़ाने वाले मुसलमान। जितनी तेजी से मुसलमानों ने सब क्षेत्रों में अपना नाम बनाया, करीब 200 वर्ष के पश्चात उतनी ही तेजी से लुप्त भी हो गए।

इतिहासकार कहते हैं कि पैगम्बर मौहम्मद ने एक खुदा पर यकीन करने का जो पाठ सिखाया था उसने मुसलमानों को इतना निर्भीक बना दिया था कि वे किसी भी खतरे से डरे बिना हर प्रकार का ज्ञान अर्जित करने में लग गए। यह कुछ हद तक सही हो सकता है परन्तु कुछ और तथ्य हैं जिनको जाने बिना सत्य तक नहीं पहुंचा जा सकता।

यदि हम मुस्लिम इतिहास को देखें तो 632 ई में पैगम्बर मौहम्मद के देहान्त के कुछ समय बाद से ही मुसलमान भी रोमन और पर्शियन हुकूमतों की तरह इलाकों पर कब्जा करने और आपसी कलह में लगे दिखाई देते हैं। यहां यह बताना आवश्यक है कि पैगम्बर मौहम्मद की जिन्दगी में एक भी अवसर ऐसा नहीं दिखाया जा सकता जब उन्होंने किसी भी जमीन पर कब्जा करने के लिए हमला किया हो। जितनी भी लड़ाईयां हुईं वह उन लोगों के साथ हुईं जिन्होंने मुसलमानों पर प्रत्यक्ष या परोक्ष रूप में हमला किया था। यह खबर मिलने पर कि रोमन फौजें मुसलमानों के इलाकों में घुसकर लूटमार करते हैं, एक अवसर पर पैगम्बर मौहम्मद कुस्तनतनिया की ओर गए भी परन्तु जब रोमन सामने नहीं आए तो वापिस आ गये और अपने इलाके से बाहर जाकर रोमन इलाके में कदम भी नहीं रखा।

परन्तु हम देखते हैं कि पैगम्बर मौहम्मद के देहान्त के कुछ समय बाद से मुसलमानों ने चारों ओर हमले प्रारम्भ कर दिए और जो धर्म आत्मा के उत्थान की शिक्षा देता था, दुनिया के प्रलोभन को छोड़ निजात अर्थात मोक्ष की बात करता था, अगली दुनिया में अच्छा स्थान पाने हेतु इस दुनिया में ईश्वर को समर्पित जीवन बिताने की बात करता था और अपने अन्दर के शैतान से जिहाद करना बताता था उसने जमीनों पर कब्जे को जिहाद समझ लिया। रूहानी इस्लाम के स्थान पर शासकों का इस्लाम फैलने लगा जिसमें एक बार फिर शान ओ शौकत, टैक्स वसूली, रंग रेलियां, दास दासियों आदि की महत्ता सामने दिखाई पड़ी। एक ओर अली जैसे खलीफा थे जो अपनी जूतियां स्वयं जोड़ा करते थे, जौ की रोटी खाते थे और पेबंद लगे कपड़े पहनते थे तो दूसरी ओर जो मुस्लिम शासक नजर आए वे शान ओ शौकत में ईरान और रोमन शासकों को मात देते दिखाई दिए। ईरान और सीरिया पर कब्जे के बाद अफगानिस्तान और सिंध तक, आज के चीन और रूस के इलाकों तक, समूचे उत्तरी अफरीका और यहां तक कि स्पेन तक पर मुसलमानों का कब्जा हो गया।

प्रश्न यह उठता है कि वे मुसलमान जो स्पेन पर कब्जे के बाद रास रंगेलियों और आपसी कलह में इस प्रकार उलझे कि दो सौ वर्षों के भीतर उन्हें वहां से मार मार कर भगाया गया वे कैसे साईंस, तक्नालोजी आदि में इतनी तरक्की कर पाए कि तमाम विश्व में नाम कमाया। सर्वप्रथम शासक माविया के पश्चात यजीद से लेकर अगले 90 वर्ष की उमैय्या हुकूमत और फिर दो सौ वर्षों से अधिक की अब्बासी हुकूमत में अधिकांश शासक ज्ञान से परे थे और उनके आचरण को देखते हुए उम्मीद नहीं की जा सकती थी कि उनके नेतृत्व में मुसलमान साईंस और तकनीक में तरक्की करते। फिर यह तरक्की कैसे हुई?

मैं ने जब इस्लाम को समझने की कोशिश की तो मैंने पाया कि पैगम्बर मौहम्मद के पश्चात कुछ ही समय में इस्लाम दो भागों में बंट गया। यह वह कटु सत्य है जिसको मुस्लिम साहित्यकार नहीं बताते। परन्तु इसके दूरगामी प्रभाव यह होते हैं कि भारत, युरोप और अमरीका के लोग मुसलमानों का इतिहास पढ़ते हैं और देखते हैं कि मुसलमानों का आचरण क्या था तो वे इस्लाम पर उंगली उठाने लगते हैं और कहते हैं कि इस्लाम तलवार से फैला। यहां तक कि वे पैगम्बर मौहम्मद के दीन पर ही लांछन लगाते हैं।

उनको गलत इसलिए नहीं कहा जा सकता क्योंकि मुसमलान साहित्यकार भी कुछ हकीकतों को छिपाने की खातिर सत्य नहीं बताते। माविया, यजीद जैसे कुछ मुसलमानों को इतिहास दोषी न कहे इस कारण इस्लाम और पैगम्बर मौहम्मद की शिक्षा पर ही दाग लगने देते हैं। यह इसलिए भी होता है कि प्रारंभ के 300 वर्षों में इतिहासकारों ने उमैय्या और अब्बासी हुकूमतों की जेरे निगरानी इतिहास को समझा और लिखा और इस्लाम का वही रूप पेश किया जो हुकूमतें पेश करना चाहती थीं।

मैंने जितना इस्लाम को समझा उस में मैंने देखा कि पैगम्बर मौहम्मद के देहान्त के 50 साल के भीतर ही तमाम मुस्लिम दुनिया उनके रास्ते से भटक चुकी थी। यह भटकाव समझ में ही नहीं आता और हम भटके हुए मुसलमानों के तौर तरीकों को ही इस्लाम समझते रहते यदि करबला एक मील के पत्थर की मानिंद हमारे सामने न होता जब मुसलमानों की फौज ने पैगम्बर मौहम्मद के घर वालों जिसमें उनके सब से प्रिय नाती हुसैन और उनके भाईयों, बेटों और कुछ मित्रों को बरबरता पूर्वक कत्ल न कर दिया होता। जिस बेरहमी से हुसैन और पैगम्बर मौहम्मद के घर के दूसरे लोगों को मारा गया वह आज के आईएसआईएस और तालिबान की बेरहमी को पीछे छोड़ देते हैं। दूसरे शब्दों में कहूं तो आज जो इस्लामी आतंकवाद क्हा जा रहा है जो दरअस्ल इस्लामी आतंकवाद नहीं है बल्कि शासकों द्वारा प्रायोजित इस्लाम या यूं कहें कि बहका हुआ और भटका हुआ इस्लाम है उसके आतंक का पहला शिकार पैगम्बर मौहम्मद के घर वाले ही बने थे। यह शासक वे थे जिनका किसी धर्म से कोई नाता नहीं था। उनका धर्म शासकों का धर्म था जो धर्म की आड़ में और धार्मिक उन्माद को सियासत के रूप में प्रयोग करने में महारत रखते थे।

पैगम्बर मौहम्मद के देहान्त के कुछ समय पश्चात ही मुसलमान भटकना प्रारंभ हुए यहां तक कि हम देखते हैं कि दो प्रकार का इस्लाम दिखाई देता है। एक रूहानी इस्लाम और दूसरा शासकों का इस्लाम। रूहानी इस्लाम का प्रतिनिधित्व कर रहे थे अहलेबैत जिनका उल्लेख कुरान में भी था और जिनके बारे में पैगम्बर मौहम्मद ने असंख्य बार भविष्यवाणी की थी कि यदि उनका साथ छोड़ा तो गुमराह हो जाओगे। दूसरा इस्लाम था शासकों का इस्लाम जिसका प्रतिनिधित्व कर रहे थे उमेय्या और अब्बासी शासक जो जालिम थे, इस्लामी उसूलों और शिक्षा का खुलकर उपहास उड़ाते थे और वे सब कुछ करते थे जिसको इस्लाम ने बुरा कहा और जिसकी मनाई की परन्तु अपने आप को मुसलमानों का खलीफा कहलवाते थे।

शासकों के इस्लाम और पैगम्बर मौहम्मद द्वारा दिखाए गए रूहानी इस्लाम जिसका प्रतिनिधित्व अहलेबैत कर रहे थे का हर जमाने में आमना सामना रहा। केवल करबला में हुसैन और उनके साथियों को ही बरबरतापूर्वक नहीं मारा गया बल्कि अहलेबैत में से हर एक को मुसलमानों ने सताया, उनके साथियों और अनुयायियों को मारा पीटा और स्वयं अहलेबैत को अधिकांश कैद में या नजरबंदी में रहना पड़ा। अहलेबैत में से एक भी ऐसा नहीं जो अपनी मौत मरा हो; सब को ही जहर या तलवार से मार डाला गया। जो लोग आज के तालिबान, अलकाएदा और आईएसआईएल की हरकतों को देखकर उसे इस्लाम से जोड़ते हैं उनके लिए यह उदाहरण काफी है कि जिन अहलेबैत को कुरान पाक बता रहा था, जिनके बारे में पैगम्बर मौहम्मद कह रहे थे कि यदि उनके रास्ते को छोड़ा तो तुम गुमराह हो जाओगे, उनपर ही मुसलमानों ने हर प्रकार के जुल्म की हद कर दी।

आप सूफी इस्लाम को अमनपसन्दी के रूप में देखते हैं लेकिन आप को यह नहीं बताया जाता कि सूफी इन्हीं अहलेबैत की शिक्षा से जुड़े थे। यह अहलेबैत रूहानी शिक्षा के पेश्वा थे। सर्वधर्म सम्भाव, अमन, इंसाफ और रूहानियत की चरमसीमा देखना हो तो इनकी जिन्दगी को देखें और पढ़ें। यह सदैव सत्य और मानवीय मूल्यों के पालक रहे यहां तक कि मौत के साए में भी अस्ली इस्लाम की शिक्षा का उसी मुस्तैदी से पालन करते रहे जैसा अमन के दिनों में करते थे।

पैगम्बर मौहम्मद के बाद से करीब 850 ई तक अहलेबैत खामोशी से रूहानी इस्लाम की शिक्षा देते रहे। आप को यह जान कर हैरानी होगी कि यही वह समय था जब मुसलमान शिक्षा और साईंस के क्षेत्र में सारी दुनिया में वर्चस्व रखते थे। जहां मुस्लिम शासक शान ओ शौकत, विलास भोग और ताकत के नशे में चूर थे यह अहलेबैत खामोशी से अंधेरे में डूबी दुनिया को ज्ञान की रौशनी देते रहे। एक ओर शासक नहीं चाहते थे कि मदरसों में गणित पढ़ाई जाए कि कहीं मुसलमान अकल का प्रयोग करना न प्रारंभ कर दें वहीं इन अहलेबैत द्वारा चलाए जा रही शिक्षा संस्थानों में से अपने समय के सब से बड़े गणितज्ञ, कैमिस्टरी, फिजिक्स, चिकित्सा और सर्जरी के पंडित निकल रहे थे। इतिहास बताता है कि एक समय आया जब उमैय्या शासक कमजोर पड़ गए थे और अब्बासियों से जंग चल रही थी जिन्होंने उमैय्या को हटा कर शासन संभाला। यह वह वर्ष थे जब शासकों का ध्यान अहलेबैत पर नजर रखने से चूका। ऐसे समय में अहलेबैत ने ज्ञान के वह दरिया बहाए कि अहलेबैत मौहम्मद बाकिर और अहलेबैत जाफर सादिक के पास एक ही समय में करीब 6000 तक लोग ज्ञान अर्जित करने के लिए इकट्ठा दिखाई पड़ते थे। जिस विश्व ने मुसलमानों को शासन करते देखा उस विश्व को यदि मुसलमानों द्वारा ठंडे पड़े ज्ञान की नई रौशनी ने चकाचैंध कर दिया तो इन्हीं अहलेबैत के घरों पर चलने वाली युनिवर्सिटियों द्वारा।

इस्लामी शिक्षा को समझना है तो इन पैगम्बर मौहम्मद और इन अहलेबैत की जिन्दगी देखिए। तालिबानी इस्लाम की नींव क्हां पड़ी यह समझना है तो पैगम्बर मौहम्मद के पश्चात के पहले दो सौ वर्षों का इतिहास किसी ऐसे इतिहासकार की नजर से पढ़े जिसने सत्य का त्याग न किया हो।

The Real Reason and History behind Making of a Muslim Terrorist

They are apparently the greatest champions of Islam. They sport long flowing beards while commoners like me do not. They mostly wear the dresses synonymous with Islam (other than on occasion or two when they wear army or police uniform to carry forth a terror attack), while commoners like me wear Western dresses. They are the most frequent visitors to mosques, keep a copy of Quran under their arms, are seen talking of nothing but Islam and are chief votaries of Dawah (calling others to faith). This apparent relationship that they show with Islam gives all the more reasons for commoners like myself and students of Islam to seek them, talk to them on Islamic issues and follow them.

Follow them! Sad part is they are the people who give to the world the most savage and ferocious people in the name of Islamic Jihad; people who have no qualms whatsoever in pulling the trigger in the face of a child, nor hesitate in severing the head of a journalist with a dagger. These self-proclaimed champions of Islam are giving the worst name to Islam and making life difficult for all commoners like me.

This version of savage and brutal Islam gained in strength when the British supported Abdul Aziz in conquering Riyadh in 1902, consolidating control over Najd by 1922, conquering Hijaz in 1925 and then finally uniting the dominions into the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 1932. King Abdul Aziz adopted the teachings of Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahab (b. 1703), who was considered heretic during his lifetime by leading Sunni Muslim scholars of Islam as well by his brother Sulayman ibn Abd al-Wahhab who issued a fatwa declaring him as a heretic. As followers of this State-supported Islam grew in number, particularly when oil money began to be used to propagate it, opponents of this movement coined the term ‘Wahabi’ or ‘Wahabism’ though neither Muhammad ibn Abd-al-Wahhab nor any of the movement’s participants referred to themselves as such. It is this reason why others see them as a sect different from their own; while most Wahabis prefer calling them only Muslims. The understanding of Islam that this ‘sect’ propagates is altogether different from that of majority Sunnis and Shias. In fact, the first thing that King Abdul Aziz did, after gaining control of Saudi Arabia, was to raze to ground all the mausoleums and signs in the land, that had any relation to Ahlulbayt (Ahlulbayt is a term referring to Prophet Mohammad’s household members who have been praised and lauded in the Quran), who are otherwise held in high esteem by the majority Sunnis and Shias.

Though countries like Qatar, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia have publicly distanced themselves from providing any support to terrorism or terrorists, lot many videos are available on YouTube of Sheikhs providing funds and support to terrorist organizations and even abetting in recruitments. Though it is a bitter truth that all the terrorists that the world has seen claim to be championing the cause of Wahabism, the truth is also that most Wahabis are not terrorists. Thus it is clear that one doesn’t become a terrorist by merely following the sect of Wahabism and most Wahabis are peace-loving people like majority of Muslims.

Then what is the reason that this sect alone gives to the world the greatest number of savage and brutal people, who are increasingly becoming a blot on the face of Islam? I tried to go backwards in history, beyond the time of Muhammad ibn Abd-al-Wahab, the Ottoman Empire, the Islam propagated by rulers like the Abbasids and the Umayyads and even before, to the time immediately after Prophet Mohammad, to see when the first traits of this brutal and savage Islam are visible in Islamic history. Interestingly, we found all that is happening in today’s world in the name of Islam had been prophesied in minute detail by Prophet Mohammad during his lifetime; the prophesies are scattered in various books of traditions related to Prophet Mohammad which were published hundreds of years before the world got to know of the terror-related facet of Islam. Let us see some of Quranic and Prophet Mohammad’s prophesies and teachings and try to analyse where and to what extent the present-day Muslims have digressed from the true teachings of Islam.

As per a tradition, Prophet Mohammad prophesied that a time will come when Islam will remain only for the namesake and Quran will only remain as a ritual, their mosques will be adorned with embellishments but won’t preach Islam, their Ulema (religious heads) will be the worst of people living under the sky. Evil will emanate from these Ulema and will return to them.

Islam will remain for namesake means all acts symbolic with Islam will remain but the real spirit of those teachings will go missing. Mosques will not endear one to spirituality but will remain as embodiments of grandeur, pomp and show. Ulema (the learned) will become worldly people and will remain the chief of all evil and thereafter the evil will return to them.

A tradition related to Ibn Abbas says Prophet Mohammad said: ‘O Muslims, you will definitely adorn your mosques on the pattern of Jews and Christians.’ The same is happening. The mosques are embellished with adornments to such an extent that they are kept closed and opened only at the time of prayers. Another tradition says that when you start adorning your mosques and Quran remains for namesake, then you will get digressed from real teachings. Another tradition says that when worldly issues start being discussed in mosques instead of pursuing spiritual excellence, a real Muslim should not sit with such ‘believers’. An oft-quoted tradition says that a time will come when those sticking to true teachings of Islam will be akin to those holding fire in their hand. Another tradition tells that a time will come when the best of possessions of a Muslim will be goats that he will take to the mountains. Prophet also prophesied a time will come when evil will set in; during that time one who is sitting will be better than one who is standing (in action); one who is standing will be better than one who is walking and one who is walking will be better than one who is running. Anyone who will lift his gaze towards these evils, evil will catch him. Prophet said in those times of evil, worshipping God and nothing else will be the best deed. Prophet even said that a time will come when opponents of faith will unite and converge to kill Muslims just like people gather around food. Someone asked will we be less in numbers during that time, and the Prophet replied you will be in plenty but will be like hay that is blown up in wind. This prophesy too is coming true now when we find that adherents to all religions of the world have started seeing Muslims as the worst of all people on earth. This is contrary to the time when people adhering to other religions cherished hope that Muslims would come and conquer them so they live a better life under Muslim rule. In another tradition, Prophet said during the end times, knowledge will decrease, ignorance will rise, adultery will increase and women will become more than men. Another tradition says that during the end times, time will start passing by quickly; usury will be prevalent and person will not distinguish between earning by rightful and wrong means. Another tradition says that a time will come when monkeys will sit on pulpits of mosques (thus meaning that most ignorant persons will become the religious leaders). Prophet Mohammad also vowed in the name of God and said the world will not end until the time will come when the murderer won’t know why he was murdering and the slain won’t know why he was being slain. Somebody asked why this would happen. Prophet replied killings will increase due to prevalence of evil. The murderer and the murdered both will be on the wrong. This shows people will fight for wrong reasons; they will fight for wrong ideology, while each person will claim to be votary of peace. As per another tradition, Prophet said during end times you will find those who grazed sheep boasting of the heights of their buildings. He also said end times will come when those who walked barefoot will become the rulers. At another place he said deaf and dumb will become the rulers, which means rulers will be least bothered seeing or hearing the truth and justice and righteousness will not be their concern. At another place, he said end times will come when the authority will be handed over to people who are not suitable. And said during end times, there will be no more good people left; only worse people will remain in the end as garbage and God will not care for them. In another tradition, he said during end times, women will be naked despite wearing clothes. He also prophesied about people who will carry whips in hand and will flog people, thereby meaning that people will harm the innocent with their weapons. Prophet has even prophesied that time will come when prior to coming of Mahdi – the final messiah – the Muslims will get confined only to small region around Medina and Khyber. Upon coming of Mahdi, justice and peace will prevail and the world will see bounties like never before. Mahdi is none else but the Kalki avatar of the Hindus.

All these prophesies show Prophet Mohammad himself knew his followers would deviate. Those who blame Islam for all the waywardness among Muslims should know that Islam is far different from the conduct of those who call themselves as adherent to Islam.

It is a universally acknowledged teaching of Islam that one who kills one innocent person is akin to killing the entire humanity. In a charter written to his governor in Egypt, Ali (the son-in-law of Prophet who constitutes one of the 14 Ahlulbayt of Quran) wrote in clear terms how a ruler need to behave with his subjects, irrespective of their faith and religion. It is a part of history that during the time of Prophet Mohammad, a clear directive was given even during war that none of the Muslims were to kill a non-combatant, not even those who had been disarmed or were without arms to defend themselves. Charter of Medina framed by Prophet Mohammad tells how a non-Muslim has to be treated when he is a subject of a Muslim rule. Prophet’s tradition says clearly that a person is not a Muslim if someone feels threatened by his hand or tongue (thereby meaning that a Muslim would not even insult another person by tongue, leave alone strike him with hand). Another tradition tells that one is not a Muslim if anyone living up to 40 houses on each side in the neighbourhood goes to sleep without food. This tradition does not tell a Muslim has to take care of households belonging to his brothers-in-faith but talks of all neighbours and implies that a Muslim has to live in such a manner that he not only remains abreast with the condition of neighbours but also help them in their hour of need. There are several instances when members of Prophet’s household (Ahlulbayt) carried sacks of food in the wee hours of night, distributing them among the poor and downtrodden of the city. Ali, even when he was the Caliph of Islam, wore garments with innumerable stitches, ate nothing more than loaf of bread and salt and took nothing more from the treasury for his family than what the poorest of the poor were getting.

If this was spiritual side of Islam, where did the militant Islam come from which included the severing of head from torso, killing of innocent children, brutal and savage treatment of those not adhering to their version of belief?

When I went back in history I found several incidents that showed behaviour similar to that of terrorists of today, which confirmed my view that this problem is not a Wahabi problem but there are certain other factors responsible for it.

Very soon after the demise of Prophet Mohammad, we find two versions of Islam that originated. One was the spiritual Islam which was being practised by Ahlulbayt (people of Prophet’s household) and some of Prophet’s distinguished companions and the other was the militant Islam being propagated by the rulers viz. the materialistic people. These two kinds of Islam have remained in conflict during all times.

The Islam being propagated by the rulers saw to it that Muslims remain as distant as possible from the real teachings. It was in their interest to see the Muslims remain ignorant and illiterate. So much so that when Muawiya (who commenced the Umayyad rule) came to fight Ali – the Caliph – he openly said he had brought those people with him who were incapable of distinguishing between a she and he camel. Muawiya meant to say that all discourses to right teaching of Islam will fall on the deaf ears of such Muslims. A shade prior to this battle, in another war instigated by Muawiya, the ignorant Muslims were even told to eat the excreta of a camel being rode by one of Prophet’s wife who had come to fight Ali. While Quran says Islam is the religion of intellect and makes it mandatory for a Muslim to accept fundamental teachings only through intellect, it suited the rulers to keep the subjects ignorant. At times, the clergy too realized it suited them to keep the adherents ignorant. Thus we see that while Ahlulbayt tried to teach the sciences to awaken the mind (the greatest of scientists, mathematicians and philosophers of the period were students of institutions formed by the Ahlulbayt), simultaneously we see that for a very long period in history, mathematics as a subject was not taught to students in madrasas lest they learn to exercise their brain. Two types of Islam were spreading at the same time – the spiritual Islam or the Islam of the Ahlulbayt and the Islam of the rulers which was opposed to the Islam of the Ahlulbayt.

Though scattered incidents of killing in self-interest were visible prior to Muawiya, we find in Muawiya’s time a full-fledged and ruthless exercise of power wherein opponents of political rule of Muawiya were killed ruthlessly in the name of Islam. While going through Islamic history, some incidents which come to notice prior to Muawiya may include the murder of Muhammad bin Qasim – the young conqueror who had come as close to India as Sind – but was called back on the basis of a canard and killed in the most gruesome of manners. Muhammad bin Qasim is said to have been tied inside the camel’s hyde, which was set on fire. We also see incidents like Khalid bin Walid (revered to this day by ignorant Muslims with the title Saifullah or ‘Sword of Allah’) killing a person because he felt attracted to his extremely beautiful wife.

Under Muawiya’s rule, we find cold-blooded murder of innumerable companions of Prophet Mohammad, particularly those who were sympathetic or close to Prophet Mohammad’s family. These included Hajr bin Adi whose grave was dug up by Al-Qaida fighters recently in Syria. Their hatred even to this day with people who were close to Ahlulbayt reveal they still continue to have the same mind-set as Muawiya and his followers had with people of Prophet’s household.

Hajr and his companions were butchered to death near Damascus. Lot many people were crucified, their tongues taken out, they were blinded and given all kinds of tortures. The women of those killed were made slaves – a mind-set which can still be seen among Al-Qaida and ISIS fighters. Beheading was common, something that is still visible.

A most vivid example available in history is that Kharijites, a group of extremely religious minded people, who began to harbour enmity with Ali. This was a group of people who offered namaz all through the day, read Quran on regular basis, wore Islam up on their sleeves yet history recounts an incident where the same Kharijites, upon encountering a man who was traveling with his pregnant wife, not only killed the man but opened the belly of the mother with a sword, took out the child and killed him.

Tortures and brutal killing in the name of Islam continued during the time of subsequent rulers who ruled in the name of Islam. So much so that Yazid – the son of Muawiya – sent an army of 30,000 soldiers who surrounded Husain (one of the Ahlulbayt referred to in Quran; who was Prophet Mohammad’s grandson and son of Ali) and his 100-odd companions in Karbala, denied water to them and their womenfolk and children for 8 days and then on the 9th day butchered all the men, including the 6-month old child of Husain. To those who have heard of narrations of the murder of 6-month old Ali Asghar, it shouldn’t come as surprise that terrorists killed 140-odd children in a school in Peshawar (Pakistan). Not only Ali Asghar was killed, but his head was cut off from his torso and displayed on top of a spear. The dead bodies of Husain and his companions were trampled under horse’s hoofs, their heads too severed from bodies and put up on spears for display. Husain’s head was severed from torso while he was still alive; and prostrated before God in worship. The heads were taken in a victorious march from Karbala to Kufa (in present day Iraq) and all the way to Damascus (in present day Syria). If you have seen in recent days the photographs of ISIS militants playing football with heads of dead opponents, you shouldn’t be surprised because it is the mind-set that has prevailed in all times. There are narrations available that Yazid used his stick to play with Husain’s head as it lay in tray on display. Most of the subsequent Umayyad rulers were no less ruthless and the succeeding Abbasid rulers showed they were far ahead of Umayyads in brutality and beastliness. Some of these Umayyad rulers ordered killing of people whose crime was they came to Husain’s grave to pay homage and respect.

Do I mean to say there is no solution to the brutal and beastly nature of Muslim terrorists as there is nothing new to what they are doing and their nature has remained one and the same during all ages? No! Have I really shown where the problem lies? Yes! If you have not noticed, I give here another prophesy of Prophet Mohammad. During his lifetime and even on his deathbed, the Prophet repeatedly said: “I am leaving behind you two things, the Quran (book) and the Ahlulbayt (people of the house, described in Quran). If you remain united with them, you will not get astray, until you come to meet me on the Spring of Kausar (in heaven).” This implied that he prophesied that Muslims would get astray the moment they leave either of the two, Quran or Ahlulbayt. This was perhaps because Quran could have been truly taught in practice by none other than Ahlulbayt. The enmity which the rulers harboured against Ahlulbayt was for this reason alone. These rulers wanted to propagate an Islam with no mention of Ahlulbayt. This Islam of the rulers not only tried to leave aside the spiritual and righteousness-seeking Islam of the Ahlulbayt but also put in place a propaganda machinery to see to it that the character of Ahlulbayt was maligned and people remain as distant from them as possible. The rulers repeatedly saw to it that not just the Ahlulbayt were tortured and killed but even their friends and well-wishers were slaughtered in the most gruesome of manners.

Thus we find that for some reason, it is the personality or nature or role of Ahlulbayt in Divine Plan because of which all enmity and savagery gets centered on them. Interestingly, while you find the most savage of all people in Islamic history were opponents of Ahlulbayt, the Wahabis are perhaps the only sect among the Muslims who give no place to Ahlulbayt whatsoever despite their repeated mention in Quran and Prophet Mohammad’s traditions. This is the reason why they have deviated to such an extent that they reveal the most ugly and reprehensible display of Islam. This is indeed the reason why while all Wahabis are not terrorists, all terrorists are Wahabis.

Even today, name of Ahlulbayt cannot be taken openly in Aal-e-Saud-ruled Arabia. The graves of members of Prophet’s household have been desecrated in modern-day Saudi Arabia and all other monuments or places having any semblance or relation to Ahlulbayt have been removed. Leaving the spiritual Islam, being shown and preached by Ahlulbayt, became the cause, as already prophesied by Prophet Mohammad, for the brutal, savage and materialistic face of Islam to emerge.

One last question: why enmity with Ahlulbayt? I have been showing in my writings there is indeed one and only one path to reach God. Ahlulbayt have been described in Prophet Mohammad’s traditions as the rope to salvation. It is they who are the Devatas of Vedas and Upanishads (they have been described as Rope and Life there as well); they are the divinities of Old Testament and it were they who were being described during all times and through all Divine Scriptures. It is they who have been given the Divine responsibility to lead and show the path to the mankind. Accounts of their lives show they were the biggest champions of peace and justice, the torchbearer of all human values and the greatest worshippers of God. They were referred to as the Ahlulbayt (People of the House) when Bayt meant Baytullah (House of God) and Muslims erroneously understood the term Ahlulbayt in Quran as ‘People of the House (of Mohammad)’ forgetting that Mohammad too had been described as one of the Ahlulbayt. While the Divinely assigned role of Ahlulbayt is to lead mankind towards its betterment and salvation, there is another power whose role is to lead us astray. It is this power who repeatedly kept working to deviate mankind from the path being shown by the Ahlulbayt. Because the power of misguidance feared people would hold on to the rope and reach the path of salvation if they realize truly the path of the Ahlulbayt. This is the reason why the most savage treatment and worst of tortures were inflicted on Ahlulbayt themselves by people who had given themselves to the beast.

Thursday 23 October 2014


In Chapter XIII of Matsya Purana, the Devi Sati’s various names are mentioned by which she was known at different places.
Visalaksi in Kasi; Lingadharini in Naimisaranya; Lalita in Prayaga; Kamaksi in Gandhamadana hills; Kumuda at the Manasa lake; Visvakaya in Ambara; Gomati in Gomanta; Kamacharini at the Mandar Hills; Madoktata in the Chaitraratha forest; Jayanti in Hastinapura; Gauri in Kanyakubja; Rambha on the Mount Malaya; Kirtiwati in Ekambhaka; Visva in Visvesvara; Puruhuta in Puskara; Margadayini in Kedar; Nanda in the Himalayas; Bhadrakarnika in Gokarna; Bhavani in Sthanesvara; Bilvapatrika in Bilval; Madhavi in Srisaila; Bhadra in Bhadresvara; Jaya in Varahaksetra; Kamala in Kamalalaya; Rudrani in Rudrakoti; Kali in Kalanjar hills; Kapila in Mahalinga; Mukutesvari in Markota; Mahadevi on the banks of the Salagrami river; Jalapriya in Sivalinga; Kumari in Mayapuri; Lalita in Santana; Utpalaksi in Sahasraksa; Mahotpala in Kamalaksa; Mangala in Gangatirtha; Vimala in Purushottam; Amoghaksi on the banks of the Vipasa river; Patala in Pundvardhana; Narayani in Suparsva; Bhadrasundari in Vikuta; Vipula in Vipula; Kalyani in Malayachala; Kotavi in Kotitirtha; Sugandha in Madhavavana; Trisandhya in Godasrama; Ratipriya in Gangotri; Sivananda in Sivakunda; Nandini on the banks of the Devika river; Rukmini in Dwarika; Radha in Vrindavana; Devaki in Mathura; Paramesvari in Patala; Sita in Chitrakuta; Vinduvasini in Vindhyachala; Ekavira in Sahyadiri; Chandrika in Harischandra; Ramana in Ramatirtha; Mrigavati on the banks of the river Yamuna; MAHALAKSHMI in Karavira; Umadevi in Vinayaka; Aroga in Vaidyanathan; Mahesvari in Mahakala; Abhaya in Usnatirtha; Amrita in the caves of Vindhyachala; Mandavi in Mandvaya; Svaha in Mahesvara; Prachanda in Chagalanda; Chandika in Amarakantaka; Vararoha in Somesvara; Pushkaravati in Prabhasa; Devamata on the banks Paravara of the Sarasvati river; Mahabhaga in Mahalaya; Pingalesvari in Payosni; Sinhika in Krita Saucha; Yasaskari in Kartikeya; Lola in Utpalavarta; Subhadra at the confluence of the Ganges and the Sone; Mata in Siddhapura; Laksmirangana in Bharatasrama; Visvmukhi in Jalandhara; Tara in Kiskindha; Pusti in Devadaruvna; Medha in Kashmir; Bhima in Himalaya; Pusti in Visvesvar; Sudhi in Kapalamochana; Mata in Kayavarahana; Dhvani in Sankhodhar; Dhriti in Pindaraka; Kala on the banks of the river Chandrabhag; Sivakarini on the Achodaka tank; Amrita in Vena; Urvasi in Badarinarayana; Ausadhi in Uttarakuru; Kusodka in Kusadvipa; Manmatha in Hemkuta; Satyavadini in Mukuta; Vandaniya in Asvatha; Nidhi in the town of Kuvera; Gayatri in the Vedas; Parvati in Kailasa; Indrani in Devaloka; Saraswati in the mouth of Brahma; Prabha in the disc of the Sun; Vaisnavi in the Matrikshetra; Arundhati among the Pativratas; Tillottama among women; and Brahmakala in the mind; and Sakti in all bodies. 

The Chandi-mahatmya, which celebrates the victories of this goddess over the Asuras, speaks of her under the following names: 

1.     Durga, when she received the messengers of the Asuras. 2. Dasa-bhuja. ‘Ten-armed,’ when she destroyed part of their army. 3. Sinha-vahini. ‘Riding on a lion’, when she fought with the Asura general Rakta-vija. 4. Mahisha-mardini. ‘Destroyer of Mahisha,’ an Asura in the form of a buffalo. 5. jagad-dhatri. ‘Fosterer of the world,’ when she again defeated the Asura army. 6. Kali. ‘The black.’ She killed Rakta-vija. 7. Mukta-kesi. ‘With disheveled hair.’ Again defeats the Asuras. 8. Tara. ‘Star.’ She killed Sumbha. 9. Chhinna-mastaka. ‘Decapitated,’ the headless form in which she killed Nisumbha. 10. Jagadgauri. ‘World’s fair one,’ as lauded by the gods for her triumphs. The names which Devi obtains from her husband are: - Babhravi (Babhru), Bhagavati, Isani, Iswari, Kalanjari, Kapalini, Kausiki, Kirati, Maheswari, Mrida, Mridani, Rudrani, Sarvani, Siva, Tryambaki. From her origin she is called Adri-ja and Giri-ja, ‘mountain-born’ [remember Himavat or Daksha is her father; Him signifying mountain); Ku-ja, ‘earth-born;’ Daksha-ja, ‘sprung from Daksha.’ She is Kanya, ‘the virgin;’ Kanya-kumari, ‘the youthful virgin;’ and Ambika, ‘the mother;’ Avara, ‘the youngest;’ Ananta and Nitya, ‘the everlasting;’ Arya, ‘the revered;’ Vijaya, ‘victorious;’ Riddhi, ‘the rich;’ Sati, ‘virtuous;’ Dakshina, ‘right-handed;’ Pinga, ‘tawny, dark;’ Karburi, ‘spotted;’ Bhramari, ‘the bee;’ Kotari, ‘the naked;’ Karna-moti, ‘pearl-eared;’ Padma-lanchhana, ‘distinguished by a lotus;’ Sarva-mangala, ‘always auspicious;’ Sakam-bhari, ‘nourisher of herbs;’ Siva-duti, ‘Siva’s messenger;’ Sinha-rathi, ‘riding on a lion.’ As addicted to austerities she is Aparna and Katyayani. As Bhuta-nayaki she is chief or leader of the goblins, and as Gana-nayaki, the leader of the Ganas. She is Kamakshi, ‘wanton-eyed;’ and Kamakhya, ‘called by the name of Kama, desire.’ Other names, most of them applicable to her terrible forms, are Bhadrakali, Bhima-devi, Chamunda, Maha-kali, Mahamari, Mahasuri, Matangi, Rajasi, ‘the fierce;’ and Rakta-danti, ‘red or bloody toothed.’ 

We have been showing time and again that the One Absolute Formless God created a Manifest Power (Manifest Self or Paramatma), which when desired that there be more worshippers of the Absolute created a Light or Noor, that got divided into 14 Devatas or Manus (progenitors of mankind), one of whom is a Devi. This can be proved time and again through the Vedas, the Upanishads and also the Puranas.  

It is this one Devi of the scriptures, which was introduced everywhere. Based on her attributes, we gave different names to her in different parts of the world. With time several myths and legends got associated around her in each part of the country, so much so that the legend spoken in one part was different from the legend known in another. Some of the names by which the Devi was known in some parts got faded in oblivion. But some other names got so much prominence that we started considering them as a different devis. So there became a goddess of learning separate from goddess of wealth and prosperity and many others. This is unfortunate because by doing so, Hindus couldn’t fathom even a bit of the Divine Creation Plan that was being told in the Divine Scriptures. When Saraswati was being talked about, they thought her to be a Devi different from when Parvati or Rudrani or Daksha-ja was being talked about. They forgot that there was just one Devi in the Divine Creation Plan along with 13 Devas (overall 14 Devatas). 

Tibetan Buddhism has talked extensively about Devi, known as Tara. When you read the list of the various names of Devi, given above, you will find that Tara is mentioned there as well. It is unfortunate that we do not relate between the two. The same Devi was talked about there as well but we have got accustomed to seeing these things through the prisms of our respective religions so much that we see the same truths described in other religions as different or farce whereas the truth is that there is just one Divine Path that was being told in different times by different avatars or Prophets and every time we digressed from the path, we created a religion or sect of our own.  

Just imagine, so many names have been given to Devi in India alone. We are of the opinion that these Devatas were introduced around the same time in all the major civilizations of the world. What would be the number of names, if we were to find them on international basis?  

The fact that she is the same female Devi among the fourteen can be known from the very nature of names above. That one of her names is Devi itself proves it. Then she is called Mahadevi, which shows her relationship with Mahadeva, which is another name for Siva or Rudra or Vayu. She is also Rudrani, which confirms her relationship with Rudra or Siva – also a Deva. She is also Devayani, also shows her relationship with Deva. She is Daksha-Ja (sprung from Daksha) and Indrayani (daughter of IndraDeva), which confirms that Indra and Daksha are same. 

The Devi is said to be the mother of eleven Devas having been married to the first of the Adityas, hence she is called Lingadharini in Naimisaranya. She is one of the fourteen who were responsible for creation of this world; hence she is known as Visvakaya in Ambara. All fame is to her; hence she is called Kirtiwati in Ekambhaka. Her father is known as Visvadeva and she is called Visva in Visvesvara. She is the wife of Rudra and hence is called Rudrani in Rudrakoti. No Devi matches her stature so she is known as Mahadevi on the banks of the Salagrami river. It is through her that it is possible to reach God; hence she is referred to as Narayani in Suparsva. She is one Devi along with the 13 Devas, and hence is called Devaki in Mathura. She was the chief of the creations created by God, hence is called Paramesvari in Patala. And that is why she is called Mahesvari in Mahakala. She gave so many sacrifices in life and hence is called Svaha in Mahesvara. She was the mother of eleven Devas hence is called Devamata on the banks of Paravara of the Saraswati river and Mata in Siddha pura and Kayavardhana. The Sakti that is related to her is evident in all things in the world and hence she is called Visvamukhi in Jalandhara. She is one of the five who constitute Life in our body and hence is called Dhvani in Sankhidhar. It is she who is referred to as Gayatri in the Vedas. Owing to being the daughter of Indra, she is called Indrani in Devaloka and Sakti in all bodies. All other names given to her too confirm one or other of her virtues. The Devi is also from Noor or Light that was created out of division from the One Noor created by God. The Noor or Light of Devi kept descending in pure human bodies on earth, at various times and in various places. This is exactly similar to the Noor or Light of 13 Devas descending in pure human bodies on earth in various places and times. Purpose was to show the One and Only Divine Path to reach God; to know and understand what God wants from us; and, to show us the way and lead us by creating an example.  

It is inability to understand the relationship between Devi and Devas that we get confused when Devi is described as mother of Manu at one place and daughter of Manu at others. Because 14 Devatas are actually the 14 Manus, which too we have been unable to understand so far. It is they who have been described as Life, because all life is due to them. Due to this reason, she is also called Jagan-mata (the mother of the world). She is also the wife of Siva at some place and wife of Rudra at other (Siva and Rudra are one and the same).  

Vedas have described Devatas as the rulers of our organs of action and senses. Brhad-aranyaka and Paingala Upanishads confirm that they are 14 in numbers. The 14 Light or Noor of 14 Devatas kept descending in pure human bodies at different places and time. Finally, when the Kaliyug had progressed to an extent and Evil (Darkness) had begun to surmount Goodness (Light), all 14 came in succession and were called Ahlulbayt – People of the House (of Manifest Self of God) by people known as Muslims. Muslims revere the same 14 differently, Buddhists revere the 14 differently, Hindus revere the 14 differently, but the ultimate truth is that the same Devatas were responsible for showing the path and it is they who are being described at all places. We understood the path differently and labelled it as different religions.  

Prophet Mohammad too appears to be confirming this when he says that it was his noor that was in Adam, Ibrahim, Ismael and others and then came back to him. He not only took the names of various Prophets but also of some people in the progeny of Ismael. Quran confirms that Jesus too was from the same source when it talks of a spirit that entered Isa at the time of his birth. Unfortunately, Christians believed in the Holy Spirit but disjointed it with Paramatma (Supreme Spirit) of Hindus) and Rooh (Spirit) of Quran. Prophet Mohammad also said that my noor was created prior to all creations and that Ali and I are from the same Noor or Light. Moreover, verse 33 of Chapter al-Ahzab in Quran when read with verses 77 to 79 of Chapter al-Waqi-ah reveal that the creator Lord created a group of His chosen representatives, thoroughly purified them, gave them His wisdom, and then commissioned them to guide mankind, in every age and every clime, till eternity. One after another the prophets of God came with divine guidance at every stage of development in the human society; and in the end all 14 constituents of the Noor came in succession and were known as Ahlulbayt.  

A passage in Vishnu Purana further substantiates this view:  

Devi Yoganidra, “the great illusory energy of Vishnu, by whom, as utter ignorance, the whole world is beguilded,” was ordered by Vishnu to incarnate her in the eighth conception of Devaki. Then said Vishnu to her: “Kansa shall take you and hold you up to dash you against a stone; but you shall escape from his grasp into the sky, where the hundred eyed Indra shall meet you and do homage to you, through reverence forms, and shall bow before you, and acknowledge you as his sister. Having slain Sumbha, Nisumbha, and numerous other demons, you shall sanctify the earth in many places. Thou art wealth, progeny, fame, patience, heaven and earth, fortitude, modesty, nutrition, dawn, and every other female (form or property). They who address you morning and afternoon with reverence and praise, and all they Arya, Durga, Vedagarbha, Ambika, Bhadra, Bhadrakali, Kshemi or Kshemankari, shall receive from bounty whatever they desire.” 

If you notice, some of these names are the same as those described in the names of Sati in the Matsya Purana. This means that the same Devi, who was in noor or light state (hence referred to as ‘the great illusory energy of Vishnu (the Manifest Self), continued to move inside several of the illustrious women at various times and finally took birth in the house of Mohammad and was known as Fatima, thus becoming one of the 14 Ahlulbayt. 

So next time when you remember Lakshmi on Diwali, remember her not for the wealth and bounty that she may give to you. If you do so, you will only be expecting certain material benefits from a Devi who is responsible for everything, including our lives. Do not expect her to come and purify the various parts of your house. Instead, pray that she purifies the various parts inside your body. Strive to remain aloof from sins and do good deeds so that the Devi (one from light) removes all darkness from inside your body and unites your atma (self) with the Paramatma (Manifest Self). If you are able to build this relationship and the relationship so built lasts till soul departs from your body, you have attained Moksha or Salvation and will dwell forever in bliss.  


Sunday 28 September 2014


Talking of Garba festivities in Gujarat, an Indian Express lead story today says: “The Vishwa Hindu Parishad in the state has taken up a call to stop Muslim men from attending the dances, ignoring the long tradition of Muslims taking part in Garba – as dancers, singers, organisers.” There have been other stories in the print recently of Garba organisers distributing passes so as to debar Muslim youth from entering Garba festivities whereas on other hand an FIR has been filed against a Muslim cleric for calling Garba a satanic festival.

The Muslim cleric was certainly not justified in making such a statement as it was bound to hurt the sensibilities of the Hindus who celebrate Garba with great fanfare, and see it as a religious act.

The issue is what is a religious act? Does every act performed by a collective mass of people who adhere to one religion become a religious act? I tried to find the answer in the light of Sri Krishna’s view in Gita who says that every act, even the seemingly religious act, may be performed in sattvik, rajasik or tamasik mode. Quran too says the same when it says that al-aamal bin niyat (every act will be judged on the basis of intention or thinking). Thus, from this argument, a namaz could be a satanic act if it is performed with Satanic intentions, even Hajj could be a rajasik (materialistic) act if the reasons for performing are materialistic and not spiritual (sattvik) and likewise acts like performing or watching Ram Leela, going as Kawad to fetch water from Ganges or even Garba could be a purely sattwik act, a rajasik act or even a satanic (tamasik) act depending on our intentions. We are nobody to judge an entire group collectively as the reasons or intentions inside each of the participating person may differ.

Question now arises what is a sattvik act? In my view, any act which leads to God or which is performed with God or any Divine Command in mind, is a sattvik act. In other words, any act which results in spiritual elevation is a sattvik act. Spiritual elevation is directly related to remembrance of God or His Command and even the seemingly most religious acts, if devoid of remembrance of God, cannot be called sattvik. As said earlier, the Quran too shares the same view when it says that every act will be judged on the basis of niyat (intention), which amounts to exactly same as Krishna said. If the niyat (intention) is Divine or spiritualistic, the act is sattvik, if the intention is worldly or materialistic, the act is rajasik and if the intention is satanic or dark (negative), the act is tamasik.

Performance of acts in remembrance of God or His Command endears the atma to the Paramatma. This is the message of the Upanishads. The Quran too says the same in clear words: when the good and the bad had been told to you, why you didn’t climb the steep climb, beyond which was bliss. This steep climb is the ascent of atma towards state of purity. In other words, this steep climb is ascent of atma towards Paramatma. This said and done, I wish to state in clear words that it is not an easy process, as the atma tends to slip down every time the remembrance of God gets eroded from mind and we commit sins or worldly acts. The objective of 5 time obligatory prayer for Muslims too is the same. If a Muslim will remember God 5 times a day as a mandatory exercise, it is expected that he would spend the intervening period too in remembrance of God and perform acts in sattvik mode. This will hasten his rooh (atma’s) ascent towards salvation. In exactly similar tone, Upanishads too talk of Moksha or Salvation (a stage when an atma has attained a certain level of purity and remains there till it leaves the body).

Unfortunately, be it the Hindus or the Muslims, there is little talk of spiritual elevation and salvation in this age of Kaliyuga. Today, we tend to perform even the religious acts, as a ritualistic exercise. God or the Divine Message are not talked about; neither is there any real attempt to please the Creator. That is why this is Kaliyuga, an age when most of the acts, even the seemingly religious acts, are performed with ulterior motives, and moksha or salvation have become chapters from history.

I invite you to read the first two paragraphs of the page-long Indian Express article: “For the important nights of this year’s garba, Priya Shah, a 24-year-old management student from Vadodara has her look down pat: five ornate but trendy cholis to go with embroidered chanias, those flowing, layered skirts that swirl tantalisingly as the music takes over the night; the dupattas and the brass jewellery are just like the ones Deepika Padukone had worn in Goliyon ki Raasleela Ram-Leela. But, that’s not to forget the tattoos. “Most of us (her gang of girls) wear backless cholis. We have some colourful floral tattoos to go on the waist, a ‘Love like crazy’ ink one on the back and a tattoo that reads ‘Femme Belle’ for the night on which we do the belle-dance garba,” says Shah. The tattoos are stuck on, and can be washed away, nothing so permanent that they can raise eyebrows later. The fun lasts only as long as the nine long nights.
The Navratri in Gujarat is a breath-taking spectacle, a riot of colours, and, like many festivals, it upends the crusty rules of everyday life. So it follows that for young and single people it is a chance to mingle – with abandon, and away from parental disapproval. Nine nights of the year, young women in Gujarat let their hair down, as the men make the most of the opportunity, by wooing the ladies with their moves. In some garbas, like one in Vadodara, there are nearly 25 concentric circles of dancers, with some 20,000 people, mostly girls, dancing at one go. “It is difficult to keep your eyes on one girl,” says a 27-year old student, who goes garba-hopping with his gang of friends each year. But to play the game you need the wheels – the snazziest SUVs, the best bikes – and the smart lines, to take your dates out for a coffee shop or on long rides as winter begins to set in.”

Now read the last para: “…Priya Shah is getting ready for a finale designed on a ‘Turkish’ theme. Her gang of girls has been practising for over a month with a professional choreographer to perfect the belly garba – modelled on the Arabian belly dance. “That we do on the last night. We will be dressed up in shimmery lehngas and tank tops, and Turkish-styled accessories that we have ordered through e-retail sites,” she says. She needs to look her best, in case a charming young man comes along.”

Read the above description again! Did you see the mention of God even once? Not to mention God or spirituality, there is no mention of Durga as well. In the light of Krishna’s teaching regarding sattvik mode, rajasik mode or tamasik mode, you are yourself requested to frame your opinion how we have degraded in thoughts and in which category the modern-day garba falls in? Are these festivities more spiritual or PM Narendra Modi’s fasting during Navratras more spiritual? Clearly, fasting in remembrance of God is bound to elevate the atma.

The Indian Express article too agrees that we have moved away from the intended objectives when it says: “Once, the garbas were a simpler affair. Young women and girls in a neighbourhood would dance to the beat of a dhol as an elderly woman, on a fast, sang in front of a shrine to goddess Durga.”

As I said, this is Kaliyug. What has happened eventually is that the rituals which were framed for the masses in hope that some from amongst them would gain from them and come to the true religion are now considered religion themselves. For instance, the Kawad tradition was framed by our elders in hope that when the youth would travel on foot, all the way to Ganges and back, bear hardships on the way, in the way of the God, some from the masses would turn to God and work for spiritual elevation. But what is happening now is that we are doing all the acts in the name of religion, going to Ganges, making noises in the way, eating delicious food in the camps set up everywhere, bringing back the water, but with God never coming in the mind and thus resulting in no spiritual elevation. On the contrary our acts may be categorize as largely rajasik and in cases tamasik but very seldom as sattvik.

Message is that our elders have framed several rituals which have the potential to endear our atma to the Paramatma. The Kawad tradition, Hajj or even the Garba may be labelled as religious rituals but only as long as they perform the real purpose that all religions strive for; of elevating our self (atma) and endearing to the Manifest Self (Paramatma). Ultimate aim of life on earth is moksha or salvation and our atma’s continued presence on earth means we have failed to attain salvation until now. If this aim is not being achieved, the act may be materialistic or even satanic but cannot be of any benefit to us at all.



Question is “Does it help to know the future? Is it even possible? Many believe it is. But, does God still have a few tricks up His sleeve?”

Answer: The Noor that once descended in Krishna and so many others also descended in Ali. Ali has prophesied a lot about future happenings. Once he told his disciple Ammar that he would be killed under the same palm tree that he nurtured. He also said that p...rior to his killing, Ammar's tongue would be cut off. Ammar began watering the tree with even greater intensity because he knew that if Ali had said so, it was bound to happen. About 20 years after Ali's death, Ammar was summoned in the court of Ibn-e-Ziyad. When Ammar praised Ali in front of Ibn-e-Ziyad, he ordered that Ammar be taken and killed but prior to that his tongue should be taken out. Ammar laughed. Ibn-e-Ziyad asked what was the cause of his smile. Ammar replied that Ali had prophesied that he would be killed in exactly the same way. Ibn-e-Ziyad said that he would see to it that Ammar is not killed in the way Ali had prophesied. He asked Ammar to be taken to the prison from where very few came out alive. But it so happened that Ammar began preaching other inmates of the prison who revolted. Ammar was brought in front of ibn-e-Ziyad, who in a fit of rage, ordered that Ammar's tongue be taken out and he be killed.

This is just one incident that I have mentioned; though I can give countless more. The incident of a particular people may also be cited who had mastered astronomy greatly. They had dug a pond wherein they saw the reflections of stars and had calculated their ages. Each one of them knew how long would they live. They also committed all the sins and crimes. A Prophet of God went to them and told them to abstain from live of sin and crime. They said they know everything about their future. The Prophet told them to go to the pond again and see their future once more. They went and saw. They saw that death loomed at them. Before they could do anything, they were all dead. This story tells something very important. The heavenly bodies too are working under divine command and so are made the lines on our hands. The Prophet could have easily said that all your calculations are false and untrue. But he asked those people to go to the pond again. They went and saw for themselves that death was right at their faces. This shows that the science do exist and there are people who do read the future. But the Divine Will may change what has not been changed till now. For instance, my fate may change because of even the prayer for me by my mother. Or a good deed that I committed. It does not mean that God did not know of this before. He knew everything right from beginning but He himself has put everything under 'cause and effect'. This also shows that even my mother's prayer or a good deed has the capacity to alter the movement of heavenly bodies. That is why I repeatedly besiege one and all - do as much of good as possible, keeping the remembrance of God alive; always aspire for the truth and upholding of justice. As Krishna says, it is our evil deeds that are leading towards destruction of this earth. The world will soon be destroyed unless we correct ourselves.

Now one last argument! Hindu scriptures have talked at great length about the coming of Kalki avatar close to the end of the world. The Muslim scriptures have talked about the coming of Mahdi, which the Old Testament talks about a Messiach who would be arriving in the end times. Even Christians believe that Jesus has prophesied about a messiah. The Mayans of South America too were awaiting a messiah when they were overpowered by the Europeans. While some people who seem to have doubts about the power of One God to prophesy in different languages say that all these people have copied the same things from one another, there are others who are planning and conspiring to see to it that the prophesies do not get unfolded. I have shown from an example above that howsoever much they conspire, things will unfold as has been predicted by Divinity. But that does not mean we should cease to act. We will be judged in accordance with our deeds and even if God knows what would happen in future, we have been given a free fill to choose our own paths. A very curious question that arises is how is it possible that a messiah will arrive for each of the religions. Is it possible that a messiah will arrive for the Hindus and dharma will prevail all over, a messiah will arrive for the Muslims and Islam will be the world religion, a messiah will arrive for the Christians and Christianity will prevail and Judaism will be endorsed by the messiach? Truth is that all these are true statements. You will say how is it possible. The answer is the same that I have been giving all through. There is one path to God and all religions are deviations from that One Path. We all have digressed so much so that we have lost the path. Yet we all want to believe that ours is the true path. We ridicule the path of others considering our own path as the truth. The Messiah will be not a Hindu messiah or a Muslim messiah or a Jew or Christian messiah. He will be messiah from the One Lord of the Universe. He will come to preach the One Path to the Lord. All the Divine Scriptures that have source in the One Lord will get endorsed. Their true teachings will come to the forefront. And evil will be exposed. Once evil and misguidance gets exposed, the true path will shine brightly in front of each of us. That is why I say, to whatever religion you belong, if you believe that yours is the true path, think twice. The true path will be unveiled by the One Messiah that is set to arrive.

Tuesday 29 July 2014

Just a small write-up written as answer to another person's query

The subject of reincarnation has perplexed people from a long time. People have understood it differently during all times. As written above, there is a Hindu view on the subject (i.e. view derived from books dear to Hindus), a Buddhist view (i.e. view derived from scriptures dear to Buddhists, which is similar but not exactly the same as Hindu view) and a Muslim view (derived from their understanding of Quran, which is similar to the views of other Abrahamic religions like Christians and Jews, but altogether different from the Hindu view). All the differences that exist are because of people’s inability to understand the true path, otherwise all these scriptures are talking of one and only path.


If I summarize in one sentence, there is indeed rebirth. People have tried to understand it differently, and there are those who say that we will know the truth when we die. Will you be able to affect your rebirth, if you don’t try to understand the truth in this birth? To be able to move to a better birth in next life, you will have to understand the true concept of rebirth as laid down by God.


Vedas tell that there was nothing in the cosmos, but the Ever-existent, Omnipresent God. This created a Manifest Self, which was in the form of light or power. This is referred to as the Manifest Self viz. Vishnu. Quran and Old Testament too sheds light on the creation of this Manifest Self. This was followed by creation of one noor or Brahma, which divided to create several noors or devatas (as per Paingala Upanishad and Brhad-Aranyaka Upanishad). This entire process has also been described by Prophet Mohammad. The earth and the moon and sky etc. was created consequent to this. Mankind had the choice to follow both the paths, that of evil or Satan and that of good or Noor. The atma within our body had the capacity to get united with the Paramatma (Manifest Self) but only if it followed the path of Noor and abstained from the path of distracting forces viz. Satan.


Upanishads say that one day of God is equivalent to 1000 creations. They also say that this is the 994th creation of the 1000 and after 1000 creations, everything converges back into God. This is followed by a Divine Night, which is equivalent to the duration of the Divine Day, followed by which God creates through the same process yet again.


This in nutshell is the Divine Plan. This too can be endorsed by Islamic text. Our atma was created at the beginning of this Divine Day and has been created till the end of the Divine Day, after which everything will converge into Divinity. Every act that we do in remembrance of God and for the pleasure of God leads our atma towards the elevation and every evil act leads the atma downwards. We have capacity to be influenced by Rishis and Prophets and Avatars and we have the capacity to get influenced by Satanic forces. This is why Gita says that every act that we perform may be performed either in Satvik mode (i.e. keeping the remembrance of God and/or his Prophets/avatars), Rajasik mode (i.e. for worldly benefit) and Tamasik mode (i.e. on the path of Satan or forces of darkness). Quran says that if you had been told the good and bad, why you didn’t tread the uphill slope beyond which there was bliss and happiness? Treading the uphill slope is possible if we remember God in all our acts at all times. The moment the remembrance of God slips, our acts are performed in either tamasik mode or rajasik mode and the level of atma degrades. It is extremely difficult to keep moving upwards. Once we reach a certain desired stage of elevation where atma is pure enough to unite with Paramatma and we remain at that level till atma gets out of the body, we attain moksha or salvation or nirvana. Quran too has described this as the most desired thing. Chapter Waqiya of Quran describes these people as those who moved ahead, i.e. they were the people who went to attain salvation while the atmas of others remained behind on earth. Though Muslims will find it difficult to digest this view of mine, I can supplement it with several examples from Quran itself.


Those who are unable to attain salvation, their atma needs to remain on earth. And it needs a body on earth to sustain itself.


Gita says that those people who performed very good deeds but were unable to attain salvation are given birth either in the family of devatas or kings, so that it is easier for them to recognize the path and attain salvation. But Gita also says that those who know the truth see the Brahman and dog and flesh-eaters as equal, because an atma which is in a Brahman can descend and upon leaving the body of Brahman, get into a dog and vice versa. Body is given to the atma by the devatas (those made from Divya or Noor) depending on the stage of purification of the atma at the time of leaving body. Buddha has described this process in detail in one of his sermons.


Upanishads also say that the atmas which were dutiful attained salvation during the satya yug itself. Today we see more of evil on this earth because there are more of disobedient atmas that remain on earth. These atmas continue to remain on earth, as they were unable to attain salvation due to their own inabilities. This is why we find more savagery, more untruth, more evil during these times.


Instead of acting with complacency regarding the concept of rebirth, we must remember that if we are still living in this world, even in this kalyug, it is because our atma has been disobedient and/or inefficient to such an extent that it has been unable to attain moksha during several thousand years of its stay on earth.


Prophet Mohammad presented Islam when Kaliyug had already begun. The atmas that remained by his time were more those who were unable to attain salvation despite several avatars being sent prior to him. Therefore, though he presented salvation as the best course, the concept of heaven and hell and Day of Judgment was presented in full force by him. As we have said, this is the 994th creation of this Divine Day, which is to have 1000 creations. At the time when this creation ends, all the atmas which will be unable to attain salvation by then, will undergo a process on the Day of Judgment where they will be given punishment or reward, depending on their stage of purification, and when the 995th creation sets in, by that time these atmas will have undergone the reward/punishment of their deeds in the 994th creation and will therefore be sent once again to earth. Ultimate aim remains salvation or moksha or nijaat, as per all scriptures. This will continue to happen until the entire cosmos converges back into Divinity after the end of the 1000th creation.


The precondition for moksha/salvation is not just performance of good deeds but performance of good deeds in knowledge of the Divine Path; doing our acts while keeping the remembrance of God alive and identifying the Divine Guides (avatars and Prophets) who are like a rope between us and Paramatma, through which alone it is possible to attain salvation.  Those who are unable to meet these conditions don’t attain to the level of salvation.


Often Muslims are criticised because they adhere to the concept of heaven and hell whereas Hindus have a concept of union of self with Manifest Self. Fact is that both these are true and if Gita laid stress on salvation and talked very little about heaven and hell, it was because the atmas, till that time, were still attaining the level of salvation without much difficulty. But since the onset of kalyug, only those atmas remain on earth who are not competent enough to attain salvation because of their own vagaries and conditioning (during all this period). These atmas will either have to totally change themselves and start ascending to the path of salvation or else, if they still continue to remain on earth till the end of this creation, they will have to pass through a Day of Judgment, when they will be rewarded or punished, depending on their level.


Hadees-e-Qudsi says that Prophet Mohammad, during his ascent to the sky, was bestowed with one gift by God. That gift was that Prophet’s Ummat will be free from the azaab  of maskh. Maskh, I have reasons to believe (and can give elaborate response if desired) was nothing but rebirth. Prophet Mohammad’s ummat is not undergoing rebirth because God knew that the end time for this creation was near.


Question may arise why we don’t remember our previous lives. It is because remembrance is the function of physical body and not atma. Atma is like electricity in a computer. When electricity comes, the entire computer starts functioning. When the electricity goes, the computer (along with the hard disc inside it that stores information) becomes dead and is of no use without electricity. The mind that stores the events of our life remain in the body at the time of atma leaving the body. This explains why we don’t remember the events of previous birth/s.


This is the concept of reincarnation, understood by me through study of various scriptures. Those who claim that they can control where they would take birth are on the wrong because the place and state of birth is decided by divinities depending on the state of atma at the time of leaving the previous body.

Friday 7 March 2014

Does it mean that the Word of Muslim, Jew and Christian God is not True.....?

The question asked by Jagannath Reddy Jannareddy is as follows: “Why is Adam being represented as the first Human created 15000 years back ...when we had advanced Civilizations existing in India 35000 years back itself. And also the Scientific fact exists that Humans began developing Millions of years back.
So..does it mean that the " Word " of their (Muslim, Jew and Christian) God is not True.....?”

Friend (till now) Jagannath Reddy Jannareddy and the other two friends viz. Rahul Shastri and Saby Ganguly have made this an issue of winning and losing. For me, I do not wish to involve myself in any discussion which is based on the idea of one winning or one losing. But since the three of them are unitedly adamant in pursuing the issue, as is evident from their posts, the answer has to be given. And through proving that Adam and Eve story is not true, they wish to conclude that the Word (Quran and Old Testament) of the God is not true.

Though Quran has not given any time period since Adam till Mohammad, the Old Testament has given the genealogies in detail since Adam and from the study of these genealogies, it is possible to calculate that the time elapsed since Adam till now is anywhere between 15000-20000 years. Since I consider Quran, Old Testament, Vedas, Gita and Upanishads – all – as the Word of One God, for me there is no reason why I should consider something that is given in these Scriptures as untrue or concocted. But my friends want to prove that the nearly 4 billion population that considers either Old Testament or Quran as Divine Scripture is worshiping false prophets who concocted and made up stories like those of Adam and Eve. In truth, they wish to say that since Adam and Eve story is not mentioned in Vedas or Upanishads, it is wrong. They are the same people who consider Krishna lifting up mountain on one hand or prolonging the duration of the day during the battle of Mahabarhata as true but seek scientific evidence when Ali lifts the door of Khyber (that required 40 men to open or close it) or Mohammad prolongs the day and the setting sun comes back. They mock at the 10 wives of Mohammad but try to give a counter argument that Krishna had to keep 11000 views because they themselves came to him seeking safety. They conveniently forget that the same place where 11000 wives are mentioned, there is description of more than 1 lakh sons. For me, Krishna too is venerable and respectable and I am proving that the portions of the Noor created by Manifest Self (Vishnu) kept descending on earth during different times and Rama, Krishna, Jesus, Mohammad and Ali were all names given to material bodies which housed the Noor of God. That is why they were able to perform various kinds of miracles.

Now the answer:

Traditions recount that somebody asked Ali what was there prior to Adam. Ali said ‘Adam’. He asked: “And prior to that Adam?” Ali said, “Adam”. The man kept asking and Ali kept saying ‘Adam’. This question was asked 70 times and then the questioner stopped asking. It is evident that as per Ali, one creation which begins with Adam is superseded by another creation and so on. Thus, Adam is merely a symbolic name whose descendants were called ‘Aadmi’ or ‘Man’ and since the first of this creation is called Adam, Ali referred to all the first of previous creations too as Adam.

From this, it also becomes evident that Ali knew that Quran is describing about the last Adam and his creation but there have been several more new creations like Adam prior to our own Adam. There is reference to this in Quran as well.

Quran says that the Lord addressed the angels: “I want to create vicegerent on earth.” Through this address it is clear that man’s mission on earth is to be God’s vicegerent viz. to become one who fulfils the creative and other works do that the God does. But the Angels knew that previous creations on earth had indulged in bloodshed and hence asked: “Do you want to create a revengeful and vindictive creature that will commit crime and bloodshed on earth again?” But God responds, “I know something you know not.”

It is evident from Quran as well as Ali’s quote that our own Adam (in whose progeny we are) may be 15000 years before, but there have been Adam before Adam and several such Adams.  

Now see, quoting from the Sanatan scriptures, the book Religious Consciousness writes: “Great time-period known as ‘kalpa’ which is the whole day of Brahma, is divided into fourteen parts, each one of them being presided over by one specific Manu, i.e., ‘Manvantara’. The present time falls within the reign of Manu Vaivasvata and is therefore in all declaratory formulae mentioned as such by the worshipper. The age (yuga) is Kali. Fourteen ‘manvantaras’ occurring during one day of Brahma which is 1000 times the period of the four Yugas together (Manu, I, 72-3, BhG, VIII,17) Brahma’s day is called a ‘kalpa’, at the end of which occurs what is known as ‘Mahapralaya’ or even simply as ‘pralaya’ or flood. Though the full traditional quota of Manus for a whole ‘kalpa’ is fourteen (S. Chitrav’s Pracinocaritrakosa, pg. 428), it appears that in the earlier literature there is no mention of more than seven of them.”

It is further written: “Tradition gives a set of seven great sages to everyone of the ‘manvantaras’ (Chitra V, loc. Cit., pp. 429-31). They have a function to discharge in the creative process and in the governance of the cosmos.” It is said that present Kalpa is called ‘Svetavaraha’ and is so announced in every declaring formula. 

Chapter III of The Vishnu Purana says that the four Yugas will comprise of 12000 years; Krita Age has 4000 years; the Treta 3000; the Dwapara 2000; and the Kali Age 1000.
1000 of these 12000 years constitute a day of Brahma and 14 Manus reign within that term (1000x12000).”

Chapter IX-34 of Matsya Purana states:
I have explained to you something about the past and future Manus, O King! Similarly commencing from the age of Devas, in the 994th age, the afore-mentioned fourteen Manus rule in succession. In their time, they play their part in the creation of the moveable and immoveable objects, and afterwards attain final rest with Brahma, at the end of the age. They (the Manus), after 1000 ages, shall be absorbed in Brahma and be joined to Vishnu.

Book IV Chapter I of The Vishnu Purana states:
Parasara says, “It is said: ‘The lineage of him shall never be extinct who daily calls to mind the race of Manu, originating with Brahma.’” Listen therefore, Maitreya, to the entire series of the princes of this family, by which all sin shall be effaced.”

To summarize what is mentioned above. The period of 4 yugas together is 12000 years. There are 1000 such periods of 12000 years in one Divine Day or Kalpa. We are presently living in the 994th of the 1000 periods of 12000 years which comprise a Divine Day or Kalpa. The 14 Manus rule in succession during which ‘they have a function to discharge in the creative process and in the governance of the cosmos’. And at the end of 1000 periods of 4 yuga, a ‘Mahapralaya’ or simply ‘Pralay’ or ‘Qayamat’ or Doomsday occurs consequent to which the expanding universe converges towards the source. Therefore, the Manus, after 1000 ages, get absorbed in Brahma and the Brahma gets joined to the Vishnu (Manifest Self) and this is the time when the Quran says that nothing will remain but the Face of Allah (Manifest Self of God).

Thus, it is clear from the tradition related to Ali, the conversation between the Lord and Angels given in Quran and the description of the creative process given in the Vedas and Puranas that there is Adam, prior to which there is another Adam, and more Adams, and the process goes on till there are 994 times that God has created Adam and this will happen 6 more times before the Mahapralaya or Doomsday.

It can also be inferred from the aforementioned descriptions that Adam after Adam (994 times) have been created in this same world and after 6 more creations, the entire cosmos will converge back from where it had emerged.

Thus, if the scientists are finding fossils and submerged cities underwater, it is exactly in agreement with the teachings of Divine Scriptures that are sacred to Hindus, Jews, Christians and Muslims. The same scientists who have found proofs of existence of humans 50000 and 100000 years back also claim that the man of that period was different in so and so manner from the man of today, so much so that Darwin had to coin his theory of evolution. Quran says that God has created man in the best of moulds and he has remained so in each creation. Due to the certain small differences between Adam after Adam, even the scientists are confused. And it is this reason that Jagannath Reddy Jannareddy wrote: “Humans evolved 5 million years ago and that process led to the emergence of Homo habilis, the first creature generally regarded as human, 2.3 million years ago."

Dear Saby Ganguly, Jagannath Reddy Jannareddy and Rahul Shastri, either you believe my logical conclusions to be true or answer this:

1)     We all believe that Vedas are the first of the revealed books. It is historical fact that the Vedic hymns were revealed on the various sages about 5000 years back. Thereafter, they passed on through remembrance from one generation to another until writing evolved and they were penned down about 1500-2000 years back. If we take your view to be correct that would mean that humans evolved 5000000 years ago and the God revealed the first scripture 4995000 years back i.e. about 5000 years back? If the Divine Guidance arrived so late, whose fault it is?

2)     You have been witness to the kind of scientific developments that we have seen during our own lifetime. Our fore-fathers must have been really dumb-heads that they were considered fit to be given a Divine book only after 4995000 years after creation of their forefathers and then too they remained primarily nomads till 1500 years back and all developments took place during the last 1500 of 5000000 years of our existence? Saying this would be casting doubts on the mental capabilities of our forefathers.

3)     Vedas and Puranas are talking about 994 creations during this Kalpa or Divine Day and the 14 Manus rule one after another in each Manvantara. You were very quick to say that Adam’s story is concocted by the self-proclaimed Prophets and said to me that I should not give my answer from Quran. I ask you the same question now. Don’t cite from Vedas or any other scripture dear to the Hindus and give me proofs that there have been 994 creations till now, that the 14 Manus rule one after another and the 14 Manus do exist at all? [You know very well that I fully believe in truthfulness of the Vedas but I am asking this question to reveal to you that 100 such questions can be asked from you, to which you have no answer, if the person’s sole aim is to gain an upper hand through winning.] 

4)   The literal meaning of 'Manvantara' is when the manav (man) descended on earth. Is it not proof that the Hindu scriptures too are confirming that man is created and sent again and again as Manav and his progeny is given a chance to stay on earth and give the test. This has happened 994 times till now. I wanted to give a similar quote from Buddhist sources how this cycle is repeated time and again and the Devas (who are 14 and who are the 14 Manus or 14 Ahlulbayt) are responsible for carrying forth this exercise.  But I am not giving the quote as I am already blamed for moving from book to book.