Saturday 23 May 2015


Dear Mr. Gols Golby, your friend has all the right to maintain his point of view. But when he tells you his opinion, you have the right to ask him whether he has indeed read about the life of Prophet Mohammad and whether he has tried to find who Allah is? Moreover, you should have asked him to supplement his views with logical reasoning and points. Otherwise, some might conclude that your friend has become the victim of continuous propaganda that is being unleashed to create a wedge between Muslims and others and to portray Islam as religion propagating hatred and bloodshed. To an extent, the conduct of Muslims who have left the true teachings of Islam and are under Satanic influence, have helped the propagandists.


You might ask what is the need to carry on propaganda against Muslims? Is it because Muslims are indeed evil people? Or is it because Islam is really a bad inhumane religion? I have maintained in many of my previous writings that the conduct of present day Muslims, particularly those who are killing and looting in the name of Islam, has nothing to do with Islam. Their forefathers left the true teachings of Islam a little after demise of Prophet Mohammad and these Muslims have inherited a cult that is actually influenced by Satanic forces and has nothing to do with reasoning and logic.


Moreover, the Satanic forces work only where the people are on the right path, are aspiring to find the right path or may be influenced by the right path. This is so because Forces of Darkness does not want the knowledge regarding Forces of Light to prevail. Hence they digress the people so far away that there remains no chance of them knowing or identifying the Forces of Light and their path. This is the reason Forces of Darkness made Kauravas and a whole army of Brahmins come to fight against Krishna when he began imparting his teachings and a great tyranny was unleashed against the followers of Jesus, for several hundred years, after Jesus.


I have raised the question previously and am raising once again. If the Buddhist Myanmar unleash tyranny on Rohingya Muslims or if Buddhist Sri Lanka persecute Tamilians, you do not equate it with the teachings of Buddha. If European Christians wipe out entire race of Mayans and capture their land, if European migrants kill millions of Aborigines in Australia, if Christian America destroy two cities in Buddhist Japan or if Christian Germany kill millions of Christians and Jews in Europe, you do not equate it with the teachings of Jesus. But if Ottoman rulers persecute, kill and plunder, you put the blame on Islam. And if the likes of ISIS, Daish, Al-Qaida kill more Muslims and few Christians, you still relate their conduct with Islam and Prophet Mohammad.


Let us come to the question why there is a need today to carry on propaganda exercise against Islam and Prophet Mohammad. It is not because Muslims are becoming powerful or have begun to exert themselves. Neither it is because a certain number of Muslims are propagating terrorism and/or support it. If majority of people getting afflicted with terrorism continue to be Muslims and it is the Muslims themselves who are killing Muslims, the reason must be somewhere else.


The reason lies in the endless videos on YouTube that are talking about the events that world will see towards the End Times. Bible and various books of Jews and Christians as well as prophecies of Prophet Mohammad are full of events that would happen towards the End Times. Several YouTube videos are already showing events that will happen and have named the greatest of wars as Armageddon – supposedly the third world war. The most interesting thing is that followers of all religion are of opinion that they will come out victorious of these wars. Jews say they will rule the world upon coming of the Messiach and are of opinion that the Muslim countries around Israel are the biggest obstacle in formation of the Greater Israel. Christians are of opinion they will eventually become victorious after Second Coming of Messiah but only after a prolonged war with Muslims. Muslims are of opinion that Islam will prevail when Mahdi will arrive but that will happen after long wars with Jews. Many Muslims who are fighting today consider themselves as part of the future Mahdi army. Interestingly, Hindus too are of opinion that Dharam (Sanatan religion) will prevail when the Kalki avatar will arrive. Moreover, I have shown in my writings that even the Mayan Civilization were awaiting a messiah by the name Quetzalcoatl, and when the Spanish conqueradors landed on American coast, Mayans thought that this was the same Messiah army. Consequently, mere handful of Spanish soldiers were able to capture and control the entire Aztec region.


If there are such conflicting prophecies, how can they all be true? For instance, when Christians believe, based on the propehcies in their scriptures, that the teachings of Jesus will prevail, and these prophecies are opposed to Muslim teachings as per which teachings of Mohammad will prevail, Christians have no choice but to conclude that Mohammad was a false prophet. Likewise, when there are countless prophecies in the books of Jews and Christians that their respective religion will prevail, Muslims whose books prophecy that Islamic teachings will prevail, conclude that the prophecies of Jews and Christians are false.


Mohammad Alvi maintains the world has fallen into such confusion because man has not identified who his true enemy is? Unless man identifies his real enemy, he is not going to reach the truth. Let us see who that enemy is?


As per Divine Creation Plan, Manifest Self who has also been referred to as Paramatma, Rooh or Holy Spirit had been the first and the greatest worshipper of God. When the Manifest Self desired there be more worshippers, God allowed it and this subsequently led to creation of Divinities as Forces of Light.  There are multiple divinities who together comprise the Manifest Self and their role has always been to lead and guide mankind towards the worship of God. As per the will of God, while Forces of Light were created, another power viz. Forces of Darkness were created, who have always continued to work to mislead and misguide mankind. It were these Forces of Darkness which misguided Adam in eating the forbidden fruit by telling him that if he ate the forbidden fruit, he would become one like the divinities [Forces of Light or Noor]. Adam was banished from heaven and sent to earth.


Since coming on earth, the desired path for mankind is to understand the path being propagated by Forces of Light while the Forces of Darkness have during all times digressed mankind from coming to that path so much so that the Forces of Darkness rallied its forces around every Prophet and Avatar, whenever he came with the teachings. All Hindus may be calling themselves as believers of Krishna today but truth is that there were more people fighting against Krishna when he was alive than those who were on his side so much so that even the Yadav community, to which he belonged, was opposed to him and at a point even tried to blame him for the theft of a jewel. The same forces of darkness repeatedly digressed followers of Moses from him. And it was this reason why Christians were persecuted for several hundred years; their only fault was they followed Jesus and his teachings. And merely a few years after Mohammad’s departure, those calling themselves as Muslims began persecuting Ahlulbayt and true followers of Mohammad, so much so that they were butchered, their wives imprisoned or enslaved and their properties seized. Thus speaking, Forces of Darkness have never allowed true adherents to the path of Forces of Light to remain in peace. Their goal is that mankind does not identify these Forces of Light and continuously remain in dark about their identity and teachings.


Christianity came out of persecution by Roman teachings only when teachings of Jesus related to Holy Spirit, Ailya and Spirit of Truth had been camouflaged; Islam came out of perscution at the hands of Ummayyad and Abbasid rulers only when Muslims were misled from the teachings and identification of Ahlulbayt and Sanatan Dharmis became Hindus consequent to the time when conquest of India at the hands of Ashoka had led to reign of Buddhism during which Brahmins had to hide their scriptures, followed by decline of Buddhism and eventually centuries of irreligiosity that prevailed in India until the subsequent Hindus lost true knowledge about Paramatma and Devatas. The teachings of Buddha too suffered a great attack by Satanic Forces so much so that there came a time when the Buddhists had to flee from the land of the birth of Buddha where Budhism reigned supreme at one point in time and had to either hide themselves in caves in dark forests or to run across the Himalayas to Tibet or eastward to Myanmar and beyond. True knowledge related to Divine Creation Plan, Manifest Self and Forces of Light (Noor) got lost during each attack by the Forces of Darkness. As I have repeatedly said, our self can only attain salvation when we identify the Forces of Light [Manifest Self] and tread of the path being shown by them.


Forces of Light repeatedly sent Prophets and at times One or the Other Light descended in human body on earth and were called Krishna or Moses or Jesus or Mohammad. This is the reason why Paramatma talked from the mouth of Krishna or Jesus said God can be identified through seeing him. But when we forgot the true identity of the Divinities that have direct relationship with Manifest Self [also Paramatma, Holy Spirit or Rooh], we might be calling ourselves as followers of our respective religion but have digressed so much so that we will not attain salvation without cognizing those who are rope to salvation.


Let us return to the discussion related to End Times that we had a little while ago. As I have said, we all have digressed from the true teachings related to our salvation. Have you ever thought how could all religions become victorious when their respective Messiah will arrive? Are all scriptures wrong and only one prophesying correctly? Or is it that all are true? How could that be? That can only happen when we conclude that Kalki, Messiach, Quetzalcoatl, Messiah and Mahdi are one and the same person who is one of the avatars who comprise the Spirit of Truth [Paramatma, Rooh or Manifest Self].


Now see the truth. All scriptures were talking of a time when the last of the Noor [Light] comprising the Manifest Self will descend in human body and lead mankind towards the path of guidance. He will present the teachings that Forces of Light had been propagating through all the scriptures, in various places and times. Forces of Darkness will unleash all their powers so that mankind doesn’t cognize the true path. This last messiah will endorse the teachings of the divine scriptures of Hindus, Jews, Buddhists, Christians and Muslims and remove falsehood and misunderstandings that have crept in because of years of work of Forces of Darkness. In this last war with Forces of Darkness and its followers, finally it will be the Forces of Light and its followers who will become victorious. Thus, the teachings of Hindu, Jew, Buddhist, Christian and Muslim scriptures – all will come true. And Forces of Darkness, their friends, their followers will be vanquished. All those sincerely seeking truth shall not fear as they will be guided by the Forces of Light, that too from their own scriptures. It is the followers and friends of Forces of Darkness who need to fear from Armageddon and End Times as they will face the defeat. They will be humiliated not only in this world but in the next world as well.


Speaking thus, we can safely conclude that all the preparations for an oncoming fight with adherents of other religion, is wrong. Divine Plan is different. Truth seeking adherents from all religions will find the way. Those digressed or immersed in the material world will find themselves on the side of the Forces of Darkness.


Dear Gols Golby, consequent to saying all this, I wish you to ask your friend certain incidents from Mohammad’s life which prove he was a schizophrenic. I say this because I have been proving time and again that the Noor [Light] that was working inside him was one of the various Lights that comprise the Manifest Self. Quran has taken a guarantee that Mohammad and the rest of Ahlulbayt have been made free from even the smallest of evil and filth. I have not found even a bit of dark spot in his character despite the Forces of Darkness unleashing all their powers to tarnish his image. If you have seen the propaganda being unleashed today to tarnish his image, you can well imagine how much the Forces of Darkness must have toiled to digress mankind from his teachings when he was alive and preaching.


As regards to Allah, this is not the name of Muslim God. When mankind worshipped several gods, Mohammad repeatedly stressed on the teachings related to One God. He said, ‘there is no god but Allah’. I wish to tell you that Allah is not the name of a God. Instead, ‘Al’ means the English ‘The’ and ‘Lah’ means ‘God’. Thus, ‘Allah’ means ‘The God’. Therefore, when Mohammad stressed repeatedly ‘There is no god but Allah’, it meant ‘There is no god but the God’. This means Mohammad stressed repeatedly there is just one God of the Universe that alone is the worth worshipping, none else. Therefore, whoever believes in the presence of One God cannot say Allah is a false god, because the God of Mohammad is the same as the One God being described by previous Prophets and Avatars and is truly the One God of the Universe. The Arabic term for this ‘One God’ is ‘Allah’.


The topic discussed above is hard to digest. If there are any queries or clarifications required, feel free to write.

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